Creative Workshop Exercises - Easy and Engaging Exercises for Change
All the workshop exercises are explained in simple step-by-step fully illustrated guides drawing on our carefully selected and curated science-backed training products.
The exercises are suitable for use by coaches, consultants, therapists, facilitators, coaches, workshop leaders, trainers, organisational development and human resources and by team leaders.
While suitable care should always be exercised when undertaking workshop exercises, and the needs, psychological maturity and particular context of the specific audience taken into account, these exercises are carefully designed to achieve a positive outcome.
Each guide clearly explains the tools needed for the exercise, the intended impact, and any necessary preparation before the exercise begins. The guide then takes you through running the exercise in a step-by-step explanation, illustrating at key points how the exercise might look so you’ll always be clear on what you are doing.
Please see the exercises below!
Outdoor Team Coaching for Team Development
Coaching for Inspiring Leadership
Coaching for Goal Achievement
Coaching for Wellbeing with the Squiggly Life Mindfulness Toolkit
Leadership Development with the Work Up Card Set
Bring Two Teams into One, using the River Cards
Releasing the HERO within to achieve your goals
Coaching for Wellbeing through Mindfulness
Identifying Team Strengths with one pack of Strengths Cards
Increase Team Productivity by working with Team Role Preferences
Once the team understand everyone's team role preferences, they can better organise the work to play to those preferences. When people can work in the way they like best, they are likely to be more energised and motivated.
Explore the Leadership Development Journey with Tell Your Story Cards
This exercise is for anyone assisting others to understand and tell the story of their development as a leader. Using the cards makes the task of tracking and exploring the leadership journey so far more tactile, visual and easier to share. The conversation can then spring-board to exploring possibilities for the continuing leadership development journey.